07 Jun HomeMint
Posted at 13:00h
in accessories, Art, design ideas, furniture, HomeMint, interior decorating, interior decorator, interior design, Justine Timberlake, shopping
It’s no secret, I am a boy band connoisseur. It started in my teenage years and has stuck with me ever since. While I prefer the musical stylings of Nick Lachey and 98 degrees over those of Backstreet Boys or NSYNC, I am a JT fan (Justin Timberlake, that is). I was excited to read yesterday about Mr. Timberlake’s newest business venture- HomeMint.
HomeMint is a home decorating website offering various furniture, accessory and art lines including some designs created by Justin and his former NSYNC stylist. The whole concept seems pretty neat- shoppers can determine their personal style through a series of visual questions and then shop for items that suit said style. It does require a log-in to go further than the questionnaire, so that is where I stopped. I try to avoid signing up for more emails, but if curiosity gets the better of me, I might try it out. If you look into it, let me know your thoughts. If it’s like everything else the former NSYNC crooner does, I’m sure it will be a raving success.
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