PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | How to Make Your Pet’s Areas Look Stylish
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How to Make Your Pet’s Areas Look Stylish

How to Make Your Pet’s Areas Look Stylish

Feeding Area
We all know how messy and unattractive a pet’s feeding area can become. There are a few ways to combat this issue. One way is creating a specific place for your pet food to be stored. You can even make this the same place as where your pet eats. In the photos below, you can see come crafty ways of accomplishing this. One shows a trunk being used to store the food with holes cut in the top for the food bowls to sit, which is a great way to keep the mess contained. 
Attractive + Durable Beds
Pet beds are another place that can become unsightly in your home. Below are some examples of some fun ways to make this area more attractive. There are all types of “bases” you can put your pet’s bed into that will create a more finished look. Everything from pallets to bourbon barrels are good examples of how you can make them more appealing. Although it can be tempting to simply buy the cutest or fluffiest bed you can find, durability and cleaniblility should be important factors in your buying decision as well. 

Storage is a key factor in keeping your pets area stylish as well as organized and functional. People have come up with some clever ways to create storage for pet areas. One of the photos below shows where someone has turned an old cabinet into a fabulous area to store all of their pets needs. Fun baskets and bins are always another good option for you pet storage needs. 

For more ideas on how to make your pet’s area look stylish check out this week’s video here
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