PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | It’s time for professional interior design when…
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It’s time for professional interior design when…

It’s time for professional interior design when…

You’re a DIY-er, and you’ve got skills.  You’ve built cupboards, reupholstered chairs, and painted your heart out.  But even though you are qualified to tackle just about any project, there are times when you know it’s time to seek professional help. 
For example–when you have more empty cans of Drano than you care to admit, and your sink is still stopped up, it’s time to call a plumber.  But how do you know when it’s time to use a professional interior design service?
Here are some tips:
An interior design service can help when:  

1. You take back many, if not all, the pieces you buy because “they’re just not quite right.”
2. You have a stack of paint chips from the home improvement store but your walls are the same color they’ve been for the last 8 years.
3. You know how you want your room to look and feel but you have no idea how to make it happen.
4. You’re terrified to make a mistake so you never make major changes to your home.  
For more info on how professional interior design can help your next do it yourself project, visit www.outoftheboxroomdesign.com.   
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