PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | Entertain the Kids: How to Engage Children in Simple Decorating Tasks.
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Entertain the Kids: How to Engage Children in Simple Decorating Tasks.

Entertain the Kids: How to Engage Children in Simple Decorating Tasks.


It’s summertime, so lets all take a moment to celebrate. This also means that there are some kids walking around reminding you how bored they are now that school is out. So you know what this means, craft time. Here are some simple ideas that your children can participate in that won’t break the bank, and will be a blast for them.


Do you have some figurines lying around that could use some sprucing up? Then this project will be a breeze. If the kids can’t bear to part with any of their toys no worries, have the kids come along to the store and pick out a few new toys for this venture. Once you have gathered up a few figurines you will need a block of wood or a plaque, depending on the intended use, to attach the toys. Attach the toys to the wood by hot gluing them. After the attaching process is complete you can have the kiddos paint these lovely creations, if your kids are old enough pick a fun, bright color of spray paint and take them in the back yard for some fun.


Since it is summertime, it only makes sense to want to be outside, enjoying the weather. So why not add some personality to your outdoor space as well. The first project is a very simple one; all you need is a colander, string, and beads. Children can run the string through the colander’s holes and put the beads on the string as they do so for a very easy, carefree look.
The next project for your outdoor space is a mosaic style birdhouse. Apply liquid nails to small sections of the birdhouse and have your kids place rocks and other trinkets.


This last project is probably my favorite. For a colorful creation that any age will love to participate in, take a canvas and with painting tape mark the childs initial or any shape for that matter. For a less messy approach you can have your child paint all over the canvas using paint brushes. But for a much messier, but much more fun approach fill eggs with an assortment of colors, place the canvas outside and watch the colors fly. You’lll have a hard time resisting jumping in and throwing a few eggs yourself, trust me.
All of these little projects are simple and great for kids. If you’re looking for a little touch of personality to any space or just want your kids to have something that they can be proud of creating choose any one of these ideas and get ready for some fun!
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