PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | Summer Visitors: How to Create a Guest Room Even Your In-Laws Will Love!
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Summer Visitors: How to Create a Guest Room Even Your In-Laws Will Love!

Summer Visitors: How to Create a Guest Room Even Your In-Laws Will Love!

Simplicity is key in a guest bedroom. You want your guest to feel welcome in the space. So keeping nick-nacks to a minimum is the way to go, it allows your visitors to make the space their own by spreading out their belongings. Now I’m not saying to leave the space bare, you can definitely still personalize the room to your liking with bedding, window treatments, and wall art. Bedside tables are always a good idea, place lamps on them for ideal reading light and a place for books and magazines.  Keep your guests needs in mind when choosing the little things. Here are a few things to keep in mind; an alarm clock, a waste bin, a place for their luggage, some hangers, displaying your Wi-Fi password clearly, extra bedding in case they get cold, a fan in case they get hot, and fresh flowers, this really shows your guests that you thought about them and put a little something extra in. With these few tips your guests will feel right at home, because it’s the little things that count.
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