PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | Baby, It’s Hot Outside! Three DIY Projects to do Inside.
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Baby, It’s Hot Outside! Three DIY Projects to do Inside.

Baby, It’s Hot Outside! Three DIY Projects to do Inside.

It’s that time of year again, when the weather is too hot and you are finding yourself going inside to cool off.  This is a great time for DYI projects on your Pinterest board. We’ve found three DYI projects that a perfect to do inside on a hot summer day.
1. Wine Cork Coasters.
These are coasters simple to make and would look great in any room!

Wine corks
Hot glue gun
Thin cork paper circles
Cutting board
Course sandpaper
1. Using the cutting board and knife, cut the wine corks in half long ways.
2. Once the wine corks are cut in half, you’ll want to hot glue the halves to the cork paper. Don’t worry about the corks halves that are hanging off to cork circle, we will cut these off.
3. After the hot glue is dry you’ll want to flip it upside down to cut off the extra cork. Using the sand paper, sand the edges and make them smooth.
2. Tinted Mason Jars.
These jars are fun and anyone can make them. You can use these jars as vases or pencil holders.
Mod Podge
Mason Jars or any other type of jar will work
Paper plates
Popsicle sticks
Food coloring
1. Make sure your Mason jar is clean and dry. Pour about an inch or so of Mod Podge into the bottom of the jar. You may need to add more Mod Podge according to the size of the jar.
2. Add a few drops of food coloring. Using the Popsicle stick, mix the food coloring and Mod Podge. The color will look pastel, but don’t panic the color will be brighter for the finished look.
3. Once the food coloring is mixed completely, tilt the jar until the entire inside is covered with the mixture. Do not use a paint brush or anything to spread the color, this will leave marks.
4. After the jar is completely covered, turn the jar upside down on a paper plate to allow for the excess Mod Podge drip out.
5. Then flip the jar back over to let dry. This may take 24-48 hours to dry.
These jars are only for the use of decoration, do not put food or drink in the jars.
3.  Revamping Old Filing Cabinet.
This is a great project for a hot weekend when cooling off in the pool isn’t an option. Revamp your home office space with fresh new filing cabinets.

Filing Cabinet
Spray Paint (desired color & primer)
Scrapbook paper (desired design)
Mod Podge
Hot glue gun
1. Take all the facings off the filing cabinet to get a solid even coat. These can be spray painted your desired color and set to the side.
2. Once all facings are off the cabinet, spray the entire cabinet with the primer. After primer dries spray several coats of desired color. Allow to completely dry before continuing.
3. While cabinet is drying select the design of scrapbook paper that you want to use for the drawers. Measure enough for the paper to be tucked slighting on the inside of the drawer for clean edges.
4. Before using the Mod Podge to glue paper onto the drawers, hot glue to the edges to ensure they stay in place. You’ll want to make sure when hot gluing the edges there are no wrinkles in the paper.
5. Mod Podge the rest of the scrapbook paper and allow to completely dry.
6. The final step is to put all the facings back on the cabinet, and then you are finished.
These DIY projects are for everyone, and they are super fun and can make your home look fresh and new. So beat the summer heat with your DIY attitude!
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