PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | How to Decorate a Tree Based Upon Your Style
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How to Decorate a Tree Based Upon Your Style

How to Decorate a Tree Based Upon Your Style

Taking a modern approach to your Christmas tree decorating could mean a few things. It could mean putting up a tree, that is not the normal green, and going with black or something even more off the wall like pink or neon blue. It could also mean choosing sleek ornaments that in stark white or in bold bright colors. The key to harmonizing the look of any modern tree is to pick a color scheme and stick with it.
A classic Christmas tree means pulling out all the stops. Including the festive reds and golds, garland and lights wrapping the tree, and a tree skirt to match it all.  These are the trees that house “my first Christmas” ornaments, and trinkets that belonged to your great-grandmother. They should be bright and a hodgepodge of good holiday memories.
Having a country inspired tree doesn’t mean it has to look like you just drug it in from the woods in the back and plopped it down. But you should incorporate more rustic and natural. Feathers, burlap, twine, and wood cutouts pair nicely together to give off more of an unpolished and natural look. But do not be afraid to add in some sparkle and some color to pop against the neutral colors of all of the rustic elements.
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