PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | New Year, Love Your Space: Beat the Winter Blues by Updating Your Accessories
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New Year, Love Your Space: Beat the Winter Blues by Updating Your Accessories

New Year, Love Your Space: Beat the Winter Blues by Updating Your Accessories

Gold and copper are all the rage for 2015. Golds are timeless and sophisticated; adding accessories here and there will give any room a nice pick-me-up. Do no panic, I repeat, do not panic if you’re afraid you can’t commit to gold walls, start small and work your way up.
Gold throw pillows are an easy and inexpensive first step. There are so many options, in terms of shade and texture that you will be sure to find something you love.
Another option for slowly adding gold and copper without it being overwhelming is through the use of fixtures. Faucets, drawer pulls, and light fixtures are small ways to do so for added interest.
More obvious ways are furniture pieces and larger accessories. Side tables, bed frames, and even large vases will create focal points throughout your space and make it feel rich and stylish.
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