PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | How to Choose a Sofa
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How to Choose a Sofa

How to Choose a Sofa


Oh sofas, they get passed around from family members, to rooms, and finally at the end of their long-lived, and very much loved lives, they end up in our basements. Sofas are one of the biggest purchases you are likely to make. But before you have a heart attack, know that this process can be easy peasy if you keep in mind exactly what you’re looking for, so you don’t feel quite as overwhelmed.
First off…quality over everything. A solid base will ensure for the longest life possible for your sofa. Don’t be afraid to bounce around on your options to ensure stability. Actually being able to sit on your sofa before purchasing is very helpful, this way you can make sure the cushions are as firm or as soft as you want, you can make sure the depth of the cushions are appropriate for you as well.
(photo credit:
As far as style of sofa, that of course depends on your style. If you have a more traditional style, choose a sofa with rolled arms and tufted cushions. 

On the other hand, if you have a more contemporary style, choose a sofa with cleaner lines and understated upholstery. A good rule of thumb is, if there are other skirted pieces in the space, choose a sofa with exposed legs and vice versa. Since sofas are just a large investment, you of course want it to stay in style for as long as possible. Go with a neutral and switch out throw pillows for a trendier look.

A few other quick tips, if you’re short on space, look at sofas with low arms or no arms at all, it will help to make your room look bigger. Also, take into consideration the durability and finish of your fabric selection. If you have small children or pets, be sure to pick a fabric that is heavy duty and stain resistant for quick and easy clean ups!

Source for these lovely sofas, basset.com
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