PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | How to add (Kentucky) Blue and White Into Your Decor
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How to add (Kentucky) Blue and White Into Your Decor

How to add (Kentucky) Blue and White Into Your Decor

It’s the last day in March and what could be better than ending the month 38-0? Wildcat fans everywhere could not be more thrilled. With the next game being the final four I figured the most appropriate subject would be on how incorporate Kentucky blue and white into your home.
Quick and Easy
If you’re looking for a simple way to quickly add blue into your home, start small. Pick up some royal blue throw pillows and blankets for your couch, chairs, or bed.

Another easy task would be to add blue artwork and accessories. This could be a painting or a print you pick up, picture frames, jars, or any other little trinket to decorate your tabletops and shelves.

Something that is different and bound to become a conversation piece is taking pieces that are typically used for one purpose and using them for another. An example of this is, hanging china on the wall and making a very cool and elegant collage.

Not Quite as Quick but Still Easy
For those of you that are a little more daring at heart and don’t mind making a few permanent changes around the house, consider painting a room a bold and bright royal blue. White moldings will look crisp against this intriguing color. Or if painting an entire room still isn’t your cup of tea, try painting a piece of furniture, such as a console or side table, for splash of color. No matter how you add blue to your space, it will read fun and vibrant. 
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