PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | What to Buy Now to Decorate for Fall
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What to Buy Now to Decorate for Fall

What to Buy Now to Decorate for Fall

Fall flowers for the porch
Within the coming weeks, you should start to see fall flowers on sale at your local nurseries, and grocery/home improvement stores. Mums are always a great choice as they are a beautiful and hardy flower that can handle the coming weather. Choose your favorite colors and fill the porch and front steps with them to create a warm and inviting entry to your home.  
 Add to your mantle and fireplace hearth
The fireplace has likely been neglected all summer and is once again becoming a gathering area in your home. Its time to show this space some extra decorating attention. This can simply be adding some fall foliage in tall vases around the hearth or adding some great accessories to your mantle. If you have a fireplace that is unusable, filling it with candles is a fabulous option to add that warmth. 
Add warm and cozy textures with rugs, blankets, and pillows  

Fall is a time of year where we start spending more time indoors and want our home to be as cozy and inviting as it can be. Adding soft textures to your existing decor is a welcome addition for the season. Anything from a fuzzy pillow to a soft fur rug layered on top of your existing rug are great options for your home. 


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