PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | How to Arrange Pumpkins and Gourds
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How to Arrange Pumpkins and Gourds

How to Arrange Pumpkins and Gourds

We are always trying to think of new and different ways to arrange pumpkins and gourds for this beautiful Fall season. Below are some photos and great ideas of how you can switch up your display in interesting ways this year! 

If you have an old wheel barrel or wagon, you can use it for this fun idea! Simply fill it with pumpkins and gourds, then surround them with fall foliage to create this look.
Here is a great idea  for your fall themed table. Choose pumpkins in faded greens and whites  to create a gorgeous centerpiece. Surround them with pine cones and greenery to finish the look. 

This is one of our favorite display ideas. Use an oversized planter to stack your pumpkins in. To take the look to the next level, place a group of cornstalks behind the planter for a lovely fall touch.
How gorgeous is this idea? Simply scattering some smaller pumpkins, gourds, or squash among your fall flower bed is a fantastic and understated way of arranging your display. These look especially appealing incorporated with cabbage and hydrangeas. Choose whites and greens for a natural look, or fun orange ones for a classic fall look. 

This is a fun sports, and fall themed idea. Place your favorite sports ball (footballs, baseballs, etc.) in a rustic bucket with greenery planted in it. Then place a few pumpkins next to the bucket in which ever colors you choose!
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