PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | How to Organize your Dining Room for a Family Meal
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How to Organize your Dining Room for a Family Meal

How to Organize your Dining Room for a Family Meal

Polka Dots & Rosebuds Interiors
If your dining room has turned into a catch-all for clutter, it may be difficult for your family to be motivated to have a sit down dinner there. Step one in organizing your dining room is to declutter. This means getting rid of anything that isn’t necessary for the space. Once you have tackled this feat, the rest is simple.
Create/Utilize Storage 
It is very helpful to have useful storage options in your dining room. A great way to accomplish gaining some added storage is to invest in a sideboard or buffet. This will create a space for things like china, cutlery, and any other item that can be pulled out, and used in the room. This will also create a place that can be decorated to add personality to the space. 
Polka Dots & Rosebuds Interiors
Set the Table 
While this sounds like an obvious step, it is often forgotten about until right before a meal. Having a nice table set at any given moment is a great motivator to actually sit down and eat at the table. You can go as simple or elaborate as you choose for the table settings. A simple runner with a centerpiece makes for a great start to decorating your table. Then just add in your plates, napkins, and silverware and you will be ready for a family meal any day of the week!

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