PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | Holiday Decorating 101: The Tree
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Holiday Decorating 101: The Tree

Holiday Decorating 101: The Tree

1. Start with a Full and Fluffed Tree
Before you begin decorating your tree, you must first make sure your tree is full and fluffed. Chances are it has been sitting in a box for the past year and needs to be brought back to life. Make sure there are no obvious gaps or flat areas. This will give you a great base to start with. 
2. Choose Large Pieces for your Ornaments and other Decor.
Polka Dots and Rosebuds Interiors
One of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to tree decorating is choosing pieces that are too small. You don’t want to end up with a cluttered mess of tiny items that get lost in the shuffle. This is not to say you need to pack the entire tree with oversized items, it is just a good place to start. It will create impact where you want it to be. 
Polka Dots and Rosebuds Interiors
3. Fill in with Picks and other Flare!
Polka Dots and Rosebuds Interiors
Once you have all of your larger pieces in place and you have a good balance going, you can start adding your smaller items like picks to the tree. This will finish off the look and give you a cohesive and balanced feel. The photos below are great examples of how to use larger pieces in your tree, and then incorporate your smaller items around them. 
Polka Dots and Rosebuds Interiors
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