PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | Holiday Decorating 101: The Mantle
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Holiday Decorating 101: The Mantle

Holiday Decorating 101: The Mantle

Decide on Colors 

When decorating your mantle for the holidays, first choose your colors. Some good go-to color schemes for your mantle include red and green, white and silver, silver and gold, and earth tones. This does not mean you must stick to only two colors, it is just a good place to start and you can add in other accents from there.
Polka Dots & Rosebuds Interiors
Start with Garland

Polka Dots & Rosebuds Interiors
Garland is a great place to start when decorating your mantle. There are garlands of all shapes, sizes, and colors to  choose from. Choose one that fits the look you are going for whether it be simple and understated, or lush and luxurious!
Polka Dots & Rosebuds Interiors
Play up the Height  

Another helpful tip for decorating your mantle is to play up the height if you have it. This can be accomplished by choosing tall items like trees for your mantle as well as some shorter ones so you can see the variation.
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