PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | Post Holiday Decor Deals – What to Buy Now
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Post Holiday Decor Deals – What to Buy Now

Post Holiday Decor Deals – What to Buy Now

Trees / Wreaths 

This is a great time to save money on those larger, more pricey items. Trees and wreaths are two examples of great things to buy this time of year. Stores are trying to clear out these items as fast as they can so you can find some awesome steals!

Home Decor (pillows, blankets, etc) 

Holiday pillows and blankets are an extra expense that many can’t justify paying high prices for since you only have them out for a short time. That is why buying items like these after the holidays when they are hugely discounted is the best time to do so. They can make such a cute addition to the rest of your holiday decor. 

Anything that Needs Replacing 
(lights, garland, ornaments etc.) 
Finally, take a look at your current holiday decor and see what needs replacing. Whether it be old lights, broken ornaments, or even faded garland, these are all great items to buy right now. You will be so happy when you go to pull out all of your decor next year to find you have replaced these old items already!
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