PDR Interiors - Professional Interior Decorators, Lexington, KY | 2016 Home Goals: How to Stage a House for Selling
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2016 Home Goals: How to Stage a House for Selling

2016 Home Goals: How to Stage a House for Selling


Polka Dots and Rosebuds Interiors
One of the most important steps of staging your home to sell is to declutter as much as you can. When you reduce the amount of clutter in your home, it automatically makes the space feel cleaner and larger. It also gives the potential buyers the opportunity to see beyond your things and picture what they would bring in themselves.  
Polka Dots and Rosebuds.com

Increase the Amount of Lighting 
Polka Dots and Rosebuds Interiors
We really cannot say enough about the importance of lighting in your home. The more lighting you can add, the more warm and inviting your home will feel. Overhead lighting is always great to have, but when you add accent lighting, in the form of lamps or sconces for example, that is where you can create the warm feel. Another easy fix is to increase the wattage in your lamps and fixtures to the max amount each will allow. 
Polka Dots and Rosebuds Interiors

Paint Rooms the Same Color as Adjacent Rooms

Another good staging tip is to paint any adjacent rooms in the same color. In other words, if you are standing in one room, and can see another room, it should be painted in the same color. This will create the illusion of being one large space instead of a bunch of chopped up rooms. This is a good rule to follow in general, not just for staging purposes.

Minimize Personal Items

Polka Dots and Rosebuds Interiors

One of the most widely known staging tips is to reduce the amount of visible personal items in your home. Family photos, fridge calendars, jackets hanging in view, shoes by the front door, and bills laying around are all examples of personal items that should be put away for staging. It is difficult for a potential buyer to envision themselves living in the home if it is covered in these types of items.
Polka Dots and Rosebuds Interiors
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